What can the United States’ health care system learn from health care systems in other countries?

What can the United States’ health care system learn from health care systems in other countries?

H 235: Health Care Services

Shi, L., & Singh, D.A. (2015) Delivering health care in America: A systems approach (6th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Instructions: Please ensure to substantiate your response with scholarly sources and/or also a personal account of your own experience in the work place or personal life. Cite and reference work! QUESTIONS 1 – 7 USE TEXBOOK ABOVE & FOR QUESTIONS 1,2 & 3 PLEASE SEE ATTACHED DOCUMENTS.

1. Read Chapter 2 Beliefs, Values, and Health and discuss what you found the most or least interesting. See Chapter 2 attached. Must be 200 word count.

1. Read Chapter 3 Current Operations and discuss what you found the most or least interesting. See Chapter 3 attached. Must be 200 word count.

1. Read Chapter 4 Government’s Role in U.S. Health Care and discuss what you found the most or least interesting. See Chapter 4 attached. Must be 200 word count.

1. What can the United States’ health care system learn from health care systems in other countries? 200 word count H 235: Health Care Services

1. As someone here mentioned, there is no perfect health care system however there has to be a better one then what we have now.  I have been pulling up as much as I can on the Internet just to get some additional information and a lot of what I have read is Canada seems to have a good health care system that seems to be equal of that of the United States however the cost is much cheaper then what the U.S. The Affordable Care Act that the United States has may have improved in the way that consumers have access to purchasing an insurance plan, however some of those plans may have high deductibles and co payments, so consumers are unable to meet those costs and therefore are still basically without the insurance coverage they need because the costs are just too high. Another thing that I have learned as well is that one of the reasons the United States health care costs so much is the high cost of prescriptions, hospital stays and surgical procedures one may need.  An example would be a surgical procedure in Germany or France could cost $3000 and for the exact same procedure in the U.S. could cost $13,000.  Why is that?  Why can’t the U.S. follow in the foot steps of other countries and provide the health coverage that this country needs for its people?  Why deny anyone for medical coverage and or care that they may need in order to become and or stay healthy?  The U.S. should provide and allow access to all care and that no one can be denied because they do not carry insurance, no work, no job or whatever the case may be, no one should be denied this service.  The U.S should provide healthcare to all of it’s citizens and really should take a good look at the other countries that do provide this service and maybe learn from them.  It it’s working for other countries then I’m sure it can work for the U.S. What reactions do you have to the ideas they presented? Include examples from the course readings or your own experience to support your perspective, and raise questions to continue the dialogue. 100 to 150 words

1. What is one area of health care worker shortage?   What is the reason for this shortage?  How would you address this shortage?  How does this shortage affect the services available? 200 word count

1. The shortage in Primary Care will only seem to get worse. My current organization has a residency program and in the years I have been with the organization the number of residents seem to be decreasing each year. The interest in primary care is just not as desirable as those in specialized medicine. There with an aging population, population growth and more people with health coverage due to the affordable care act, the demand for primary care is growing. This along with the strive for primary based medicine which it to help reduce the cost and increase quality of care is only going to increase the demand even further. How can primary care become more enticing to medical students? I know that more medical schools are being opened and community based residency programs but is that enough? What reactions do you have to the ideas they presented? Include examples from the course readings or your own experience to support your perspective, and raise questions to continue the dialogue. 100 to 150 words

1. Read the article “Price transparency needed from all stakeholders, HFMA task force says” on the Modern Healthcare website. Discuss your thoughts in 150 words http://www.modernhealthcare.com/article/20140416/NEWS/304169931

1. Watch the videos on health care job opportunities on the Files on Demand website. Discuss your thoughts in 200 words. http://fod.infobase.com/p_ViewVideo.aspx?xtid=37249&loid=50842 http://fod.infobase.com/p_ViewVideo.aspx?xtid=37252&loid=52420 http://fod.infobase.com/p_ViewVideo.aspx?xtid=37248&loid=50833 http://fod.infobase.com/p_ViewVideo.aspx?xtid=37251&loid=52682

1. Read and discuss the article Stakeholder Partners: The New Landscape in U.S. Healthcare http://medachieve.com/MedAchieve/Publications_files/FINALSTAKEPART.pdf

1. Select two health care service providers below. Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper that discusses the health care service providers selected and the products and support they provide.

Providers of Service Options:

· Preventive care or public health

· Ambulatory or primary care

· Subacute or long-term care

· Acute care

· Auxiliary services

· Rehabilitative services

· End-of-life care

· Mental health services

· Emergency management or disaster preparedness

· Dental services

· Military and veteran services

· Indian health services

Include the following in your paper:

· Identify the selected health care service provider.

· Identify two services and products they provide to help with quality of care.

Cite at least 1 peer-reviewed or scholarly reference and your textbook to support your informati

H 235: Health Care Services

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