Week 7 Nursing 6003N Assignment: Academic Success and Professional Development Plan


Plan for Academic Success and Professional Development

With the introduction of modern clinical practice and the embrace of technology in healthcare provision for quality and safety, the scope of professional nursing has continued to evolve for the better. Nurses have remained the healthcare system’s backbone as the primary care providers whose spheres of operation have been expanded by implementing evidence-based nursing strategies. As a future Master of Science Nurse (MSN), I aim to provide unrivalled professional care to all clients within my scope of operations.

I intend to build my master of nursing education on informative, scholarly, and peer-reviewed scientific knowledge by utilizing academic and professional resources and strategies to accomplish this critical life-giving goal. According to Bindon (2017), today’s nurses work in a dynamic and complicated care environment that requires nurses to have and acquire specific skills, knowledge, and a competitive edge beyond the training margins to be prepared for the future of their practice.

The American Nurses Association is committed to defining the scope of nursing and professional nursing practice and making professional growth and development mandatory for all nurse practitioners (Neff et al., 2018). As a result, my focus in this regard is on the academic and professional resources and strategies I can use in my MSN program to gain a competitive advantage. Healthcare professionals who make significant changes in their certification areas are eager to expand their knowledge and skill set. This is typically accomplished in various ways based on academic and professional practices and strategies.

Academic Resources or Techniques

Academic Resource 1: Purdue University’s Writing Lab, a platform made necessary by the university, provides an excellent resource centre for all its students, with rigorously updated information on every topic of interest to the students. Individuals can access up-to-date research studies to gain information that will improve operational activities.

Academic Resource 2: Libraries are a manual knowledge hub, housing the world’s wisdom, which even the healthcare field occasionally requires. The foundational principles of professional nursing care practice are sourced from libraries, even though most literature materials are not frequently updated.

Academic resource 3: Academic advising: Personalized recommendations from professional advisors make it much easier to prioritize professional areas of interest because counsellors provide and refer students to important resources, walk them through a course plan and credit transfers, and help students obtain overrides for more credits in some cases.

Professional Strategies or Resources

Professional resource 1: The Florida Board of Nursing is responsible for licensing and license renewals and providing professional materials in the nursing field for continuing professional development. It is dedicated to improving service delivery quality and promoting positive patient outcomes.

Professional resource number two: The Adult-Gerontology Nurse Practitioner (AGNP) is a highly experienced professional who can teach clinical skills and serve as a resource for future MSN graduates.

Professional resource 3: Attending professional conferences can change the trajectory of advanced nursing care operations because they provide opportunities for great networking, insightful, challenging, compelling educational information, and new practice knowledge.

The Resources’ Intended Use

Scientifically approved, state and federally authorized information and strategies guiding professional nursing practice will be useful in my career as a professional nurse with the resources listed above. First, the professional resource information will be critical in guiding my scope of operation and defining what policies and work criteria must be followed at each stage of my operations. Second, the ability of healthcare organizations to gain recognition for quality care services depends on patient satisfaction with the care provided.

As a result, the advice of experienced academic advisors and the AGNP will be critical in improving my ability to provide quality care. Building and establishing professional connections, as well as acquiring valuable education materials that will aid in broadening my abilities and areas of operation. The Florida Board of Nursing will be an important part of the professional nursing program because it will set the rules for rewarding and licensing me as a practitioner.

The library will be a source of first-hand information and a repository of limitless information in books and other research works. The Writing Lab has been and continues to be a resource for obtaining research and research-related information, including citation knowledge. Timely and authentic healthcare management protocols will influence my professional practice to improve quality with these blueprints. My academic abilities will be greatly enhanced due to the wealth of information and the clear and timely influence of academic advice provided by academic resource materials. Its progress will be realized through research studies, conference attendance, and training workshops.


Finally, healthcare providers are the professionals whose knowledge base constantly expands as best practices are realized due to numerous critical research works, particularly those aimed at improving health outcomes. Whether enrolled in a specialty course or working full-time, nursing care professionals must make time to expand their knowledge daily because millions of lives rely on the nurse’s ability to understand the rapid changes in healthcare delivery. I intend to be a responsible nurse after my learning season, not only by diligently performing my duties as a nurse but also by constantly improving my knowledge and skills.


S. L. Bindon (2017). Strategies for professional development to improve nurses’ knowledge and ensure safe practice. Journal of the Association of Operating Room Nurses, 106(2), 99–110. Web.

D. F. Neff, S. H. Yoon, R. L. Steiner, I. Bejleri, M. D. Bumbach, D. Everhart, and J. S. Harman (2018). The effect of nurse practitioner regulations on population health care access. 379-385 in Nursing Outlook. Web.

Week 7 Nursing 6003N Assignment: Academic Success and Professional Development Plan



Week 7 Nursing 6003N Assignment: Academic Success and Professional Development Plan

Part 4: Research Evaluation
Architect Daniel Libeskind is quoted as saying, “To provide meaningful architecture is not to parody history, but to articulate it.” This implies that his work does not copy but relies on the efforts of others.

Understanding the work of others is critical for developing new work. When you are able to analyze and articulate the efforts of previous research, you can make contributions to the nursing body of knowledge. As a result, research analysis skills are essential tools in your toolbox.

You will locate relevant existing research for this Assignment. You will also analyze this research using an analysis tool.

To Get Ready:

Consider the strategies presented in this Module’s Learning Resources for locating and analyzing research.

Use the Walden Library to find and read one peer-reviewed research article on a topic of interest in your specialty field.

Examine the article you chose and reflect on your professional practice application of the theories/concepts described in the article.

The task at hand:

Analyze the elements of the research article you identified using the “Module 4 | Part 4” section of your Academic Success and Professional Development Plan Template, which is available in the Resources. Make certain to include the following:

Your area of interest

A properly formatted APA citation of the article you chose, as well as link or search details.

Determine a professional practice that employs the theories/concepts discussed in the article.

Analysis of the article using the template’s “Research Analysis Matrix” section

Write a one-paragraph justification for why you think this article should be used to inform professional practice.

Write a 2- to 3-paragraph summary that you will include in your Academic Success and Professional Development Plan.

Describe your method for locating and analyzing peer-reviewed research.

Identify at least two strategies for finding peer-reviewed research that you have found to be effective.

Identify at least one resource for finding peer-reviewed research that you intend to use in the future.

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