Week 7: Course Project Milestone: Final Paper

Abortion is a major issue in the world today because different ethical perspectives lead to different conclusions when it comes to abortion. The debates revolve around two major factions: pro-life and pro-choice. The pro-life movement contends that abortion is murder because life begins at conception, making abortion morally wrong. The pro-choice movement, on the other hand, contends that life begins at conception and that women should have the right to choose what happens to their bodies. There is no scientific method for determining when life begins (Marquis, 2007). While abortion is murder, a woman must face the consequences of giving birth, which gives her the right to choose. But letting people decide for themselves what is right and wrong can be bad, as can forcing women to carry babies they don’t want.
Important points
Abortion supporters argue that a woman has the right to make her own decision about abortion based on her own moral preferences and live with the consequences and that no one, especially the government, should make that decision for her (Jali, 2001). Women are denied the ability to participate in social, economic, and political well-being if they do not have the option to abort. According to Johnson (2008), the ethics of abortion are about family relationships and right attitudes, which make abortion justifiable on the basis of decency, stewardship, and responsible creation. The moderate viewpoint contends that abortion is justified during rape or when the woman’s life is threatened by the pregnancy (Lopez, 2012). According to Marguis (2007), while women have a right to their bodies, a fetus also has rights, and a fetus’ right to life supersedes women’s right to control their bodies.

Week 7: Course Project Milestone: Final Paper
5 scholarly sources are required (this includes the sources from the annotated bibliography. Additional sources may be included as appropriate.) Instructions: You will turn in your final paper this week.
The following information should be included in the paper:
Make your own “dilemma” with four to six paragraphs based on the controversial topic you chose in Week 3.
Summarize the situation.
Determine the dilemma’s key points.
Define the key terms related to the quandary.
Analyze the conflicts or controversies that are present in the dilemma.
They provide a unique perspective on the dilemma and the issue it represents.
Use Kant’s Categorical Imperative to solve the problem.
Use another method you learned in the lecture material and readings.
Explain why you prefer one of the two methods you chose.
Use your annotated bibliography’s five articles. (Academic research from the previous 5 years may also be included.)
At the end of your paper, put a reference page in APA format with your bibliography and any other sources you used. The annotations on your bibliography should be taken out.
Topics for paragraphs come out of a complex, focused, and sophisticated thesis in a natural, organic way.
Each paragraph focuses solely on one topic.
The topics are directly related to the thesis and are not theses in their own right.
The last paragraph fully develops and explains the topic, including details, examples, illustrations, and quotations from research and primary texts.
Topics and paragraphs rise above ordinary thinking and summarization.
Quoted material is effectively used to support analytical points (and not as padding).
The transition to the next paragraph is smooth.
The concepts investigated are significant, substantive, and instructive.
Ideas and topics support the main point, making sure that the paper makes sense as a whole and isn’t just a bunch of mini-essays stuck together.
Grammar is the correct application of Standard American English.
Idiomatic conventions are referred to as mechanics (capitalization of proper nouns, spelling, and punctuation).
Persuasion, sophistication, wit, and transcendent quality are all examples of style.
Sentences should vary in length and complexity while maintaining clarity and precision of meaning.
A paper’s style makes it enjoyable to read.
Requirements for Writing (APA format)
one-inch margins
double spacing
Times New Roman, 12-point font
The title page
Page of References (minimum of 5 scholarly resources—remove annotations; format hanging indents)
Pagination (upper right of the page) (upper right of the page)
Full references on a reference page correspond to in-text citations.

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