Ways Community Programs Can Increase Participation in Early Prenatal Care Services

Ways Community Programs Can Increase Participation in Early Prenatal Care Services

Ways Community Programs Can Increase Participation in Early Prenatal Care Services

Statistics show that the United States’ federal government has instituted more than 35 programs run by 16 agencies to serve the interests of expectant mothers and their children. However, the services are only available to specific individuals who meet the given criteria. Therefore, the people that are not included in these groups are disadvantaged since they are not eligible to access such services in the country. The situation puts them at risk as they lack access to essential government services. Therefore, there is a need to improve community programs participation by eliminating restrictions on access to government services. After prioritizing the vulnerable societies, it is essential to include other groups that need such essential services but lack financial ability.

Data shows that in every 10 hours, pregnancy complications result in the death of a mother and in every 29 seconds, a baby is born in poverty. For these reasons, there is a need to increase community-based services. Such an initiative will facilitate easy access to treatment by all mothers and minimize cases of vulnerability. The provision of primary healthcare services will improve the lives of mothers who cannot afford to pay for the services. In many instances, the complications of pregnancy increase due to a long time the mothers wait before they can access medication and other complex treatments such as caesarian section. Similarly, newborn babies may succumb to complication due to delay in access to primary healthcare. Therefore, the community programs that enhance participation in community health programs have a positive impact on maternal, prenatal, and postnatal care.

Impact of Programs such as WIC

Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) program have a great significance since it is strategic in ensuring expectant mothers are healthy, and they can deliver healthy children. Clinic-based programs create awareness of health-related and nutritional services to women during and after pregnancy to enhance their wellbeing. For instance, they ensure that women have knowledge of nutritional requirements that improve their health. The program ensures that mothers have an easy gestation period and sufficient milk to breastfeed their infants. Under such conditions, the immunity of the women is enhanced since they have all the nutrients that they need even when they are going through a risky phase of life. Notably, the program not only focuses on the mothers, but it prioritizes the interests of the children.

Infants have a high risk of malnutrition especially when they do not receive ample nourishment. They have to breastfeed from their mothers until they can independently consume solid food. Thus, WIC is essential at this stage of life since it is involved in the creation of awareness and provision of nutritional needs of the children. It prioritizes the interests of children under the age of five years since they are susceptible to illnesses. Therefore, with the provision of food items, there is a reduction in the infant mortality rate as the program caters for the needs of millions of children born in the United States. Similarly, the initiative provides fundamental treatment to babies hence improving their lives. Although the program does not directly participate in the eradication of poverty, the provision of the basic needs is a significant input that improves the lives of many people in society.

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