Voluntary/ Assisted Euthanasia Essay

Voluntary/ Assisted Euthanasia Essay

Mr. J.C., a hospital administrator from Medical City Dallas Hospital was interviewed regarding the topic of voluntary/ assisted euthanasia. Mr. J.C. stated that he believes that his family, cultural background, religion, education and work experience play an important role when it comes to moral and ethical decision. When religion preference was asked, Mr. J.C. said that his grandfather was a pastor and he has been taught to value life and views life as a precious gift from God and God has plan for everyone. His family, especially his grandfather has a lot impact on his moral and ethical beliefs. He strongly emphasizes that every person should have his/her own autonomy, but considering thought from others can be acceptable in some situations; for example, a DNR order. If a person is suffering from excruciating pain or terminally ill, a do not resuscitate order (DNR) would be acceptable. When voluntary and assisted euthanasia was discussed, Mr. J.C. does not support any kinds of assisted suicide or euthanasia because he stated “I believe in the principles of beneficence and non-maleficence even though it is a patient’s decision” (personal communication, December 1, 2015). Analysis of Ethical Dilemma: Voluntary/ Assisted Euthanasia Essay.

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