Using the Multiculturalism Spectrum to Work Therapeutically with Muslim Families
Family therapy is a type of psychotherapy used to assist family members in resolving conflicts and improving communication. This type of therapy is brief and may include the entire family or those who can participate. The situation usually determines the treatment plan that the family is on. On numerous occasions, the sessions involved have assisted family members in deepening their bonds and overcoming stressful periods. Several schools of thought have emerged in response to this type of counselling. All agree, however, that whether clients consider the problem to be “family” or “individual,” regardless of its origin, involving families in the process benefits the client. The ability to influence conversations in ways that catalyze the wisdom, strengths and support of the system involved is required (Flanagan & Rita, 2012). Various techniques can be used, including structural, emotional-based, Satir’s experimental approach, and narrative therapy.
Counsellors and psychologists face unique challenges in this era of globalization, which is marked by widespread cultural contact and migration. Working with clients from different cultural backgrounds is difficult. Multiculturalism may jeopardize the success of the process’s chosen system. This is due to various beliefs, points of view, and values, among other things. As a result, counsellors must understand multicultural counselling principles. When conducting therapy, not having this knowledge has negative consequences. This includes misdiagnosis of the client’s success, differences in expectations between the client and the counsellor, the client feeling misunderstood, and missing nonverbal cues (Gielen, Juris & Fish, 2008).