The Role of HR in Developing HR-Mindedness-Society for Human Resource Management

The Role of HR in Developing HR-Mindedness
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Feb 23, 2021

The Role of HR in Developing HR-Mindedness-Society for Human Resource Management

The Role of HR in Developing HR-Mindedness
Human resource management is well defined as the practice of managing employees in an organization to increase performance while maintaining employee and customer satisfaction. Management of employees determines how successful an organization is and also directly correlates with employee turnover. A good HR department ensures that everything runs smoothly from recruitment of qualified and motivated employees to succession of employees who are resigning.
In my organization, key employee-related elements providing a human resource management perspective include employment equity, engagement, and cultural fit during recruitment (Vermeeren et al., 2014). On the aspect of employment equity, my organization tries as much as possible to recruit people without biases on their gender or physical status. As a matter of fact, there is a gender rule that states that a third or more of all employees should be females. Similarly, promotions are based on performance and everyone is always given a chance to demonstrate their leadership capabilities (Cogin et al., 2016). The HR team also fully practices the element of engagement of employees in decision making or other key roles. One engagement aspect is by releasing an internal memo in times of recruitment to allow the employees to give the opportunity to their immediate friends or relatives and if no one has some close individuals, the opening is advertised on public media. During recruitment, the selection of individuals is always thorough with a focus on people who will easily fit into the organizational culture hence easily relate with others while maintaining job satisfaction (Hamidi et al., 2017)
When focussing on the whole organization, one element that provides strategic human resource management focus is motivation and fair treatment. This aspect ensures that employees find zeal in completing their tasks and give the best. Motivational schemes include monetary rewards, bonuses, tours, and team-building activities. Similarly, all employees are treated equally without biases. The company also incorporates a training program that ensures that the skillset of employees continuously improves with the increasing dynamics of their specified fields ( Hyde et al., 2013). Another element involves performance management. Every employee is always analyzed with a focus on their strengths and weaknesses. This helps classify them and gives them responsibilities that match their talents and abilities. It also helps identify gaps that require recruits or increased training of employees. Succession planning is also a strategic human resource management element that prevents organizational decline in performance after an employee leaves the organization. The organization utilizes performance ratings of existing employees during succession planning. This criterion helps in the creation of a talent pipeline which is a group of candidates qualified and ready to take up senior positions in case someone resigns. The continuous building and nurturing of the pipeline ensures that existing employees benefit and continue giving exceptional performance (Rademacher and Weber, 2017).
The existence of the HR department is the first indicator that the company recognizes the department as a strategic partner. Some companies lack a fully functional HR team and they opt to have existing employees manage HR responsibilities as they arise or give the responsibilities to consultancy firms. Secondly, the organization incorporates full engagement of the HR department in times of decision-making that involve employees. The company also recognizes that cost reduction, increased job satisfaction, and better performance can only happen with the engagement of the HR department. All this prove that the organization considers the department as a strategic partner.

The Role of HR in Developing HR-Mindedness-Society for Human Resource Management

Cogin, J. A., Ng, J. L., & Lee, I. (2016). Controlling healthcare professionals: how human resource management influences job attitudes and operational efficiency. Human resources for health, 14(1), 55.
Hamidi, Y., Mohammadibakhsh, R., Soltanian, A., & Behzadifar, M. (2017). Relationship between organizational culture and commitment of employees in health care centers in west of Iran. Electronic physician, 9(1), 3646–3652.
Hyde, P., Sparrow, P., Boaden, R., & Harris, C. (2013). High performance HRM: NHS employee perspectives. Journal of health organization and management, 27(3), 296– 311.
Rademacher, U., & Weber, U. (2017). Mentoring im Talent Management: Win-win- Programme für Mitarbeiter und Unternehmen.
Vermeeren, B., Steijn, B., Tummers, L., Lankhaar, M., Poerstamper, R. J., & van Beek, S. (2014). HRM and its effect on employee, organizational and financial outcomes in health care organizations. Human resources for health, 12, 35. 4491-12-35

The Role of HR in Developing HR-Mindedness-Society for Human Resource Management

Reflect on the status of human resource management in your current position or organization. What elements can you identify that provide a human resource management perspective that focuses on the employees within the organization? What elements can you identify that provide a more strategic human resource management focus on the whole of the organization? Describe, if possible, how your company accepts the HR department as a strategic partner.

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