Teamwork Quality Model in Theatres

Teamwork Quality Model in Theatres

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Teamwork Quality Model in Theatres
Complications from surgery are mostly caused by human error. Surgical teams are composed of interdisciplinary collaboration who share a patient’s responsibility. Lack of teamwork leads to complications related to surgery. Nursing teamwork is the most appropriate model that could be used to address the causes of medical hitches in the theatre. The paper describes how the team nursing model can be used to prevent surgical errors and complications.
Lack of communication is the leading cause of patient complications in surgery. Poor communication among two or more team members leads to preventable medical errors such as hypotension and hemorrhage, leading to anemia and death (Slatyer, Coventry, Twigg and Davis 2016). The team nursing model advocates for maintaining good communication skills. Health workers are advised to stay calm and control their emotions during a conflict. Medical professionals should pay attention to colleagues and gently disagree on an inaccurate procedure.
Different values and beliefs could affect the overall surgical process and patient outcome. Upsetting behavior and truculent work attitude affect the surgical procedure Souza, Peruzzi, Silva and Carvalho 2016). An example of disruptive behavior is aggressiveness shown by a team member. Once such a personality is identified in a team, the model suggests the following mechanisms, avoiding the disagreement and compromising with the individual to reach an agreement for the patient’s sake.
Poor and decision making by the attending doctors lead to medical error. Wrong choices are likely to happen when physicians make decisions without consulting the nurses and anesthesiologist (Slatyer, Coventry, Twigg and Davis 2016). The organization should identify and ground rules to promote efficient approaches to promote patient outcomes.

Souza, G. C. D., Peruzzi, M., Silva, J. A. M. D., & Carvalho, B. G. (2016). Teamwork in nursing: restricted to nursing professionals or an interprofessional collaboration? Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da USP, 50(4), 642-649.
Slatyer, S., Coventry, L. L., Twigg, D., & Davis, S. (2016). Professional practice models for nursing: a review of the literature and synthesis of key components. Journal of Nursing Management, 24(2), 139-150.

Teamwork Quality Model in Theatres

You are a member of an operating room team. The hospital is reporting an increase in complication rates from your team. Choose one of the quality models and explain how you would use it to address the causes or the adverse events.

Teamwork Quality Model in Theatres

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