Strategies for Academic Portfolios

Strategies for Academic Portfolios
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Strategies for Academic Portfolios
In general terms, an academic portfolio is a summary that includes actions in a person’s intellectual life that are of a significant standing that spells out the person’s accomplishments, further documenting the nature and the scope of such contributions includes the specific role and achievements. The Curriculum Vitae usually supports this as this kind of portfolio is a thoughtful, organized, and selective collection of documents that help demonstrate a person’s accomplishments. This can be in diverse terms or strategies, namely, research, teaching, and service (Michallak & Rysavvy, 2021).
First and foremost, an initial strategy in developing an academic portfolio includes drafting one’s leadership experience during one academic year. Such occasions might comprise participating in active leadership in a specific department in the school, a particular discipline, or a professional committee. For instance, participation on a committee would ultimately lead to a drafted report documented on or on completing the sitting committee (or a direct letter from the committee chair or a final copy of the draft). You should include other notable awards or any other type of recognition. Various types of workshops or presentations to groups outside the University that are related to your activities, further relevant evaluations would also be helpful.
The next strategy is through offering your teaching experience if you had one. This comprises teaching activities, including teaching plans or other materials used in teaching, for instance, handouts and overhead transparencies. It is vital to be selective (Little-wienert & Mazziotti, 2018). As you were teaching, you must have been taking down or otherwise recording students’ feedback. This comprises feedback or evaluation questionnaires, which students filled through questionnaires and your analysis from the input. Further, your academic portfolio’s essential tenet will include assessing student learning with tests and exercises prepared for the students.
You need to link the content of each assessment and or/exercises to your intended learning outcomes, as expressed in your specific syllabus. In your Academic portfolio, through the teaching strategies, it is also vital to take down your peer evaluation by your superiors, such as your TA supervisor graduate teacher is precisely crucial evidence of quality teaching (Ling, 2021). This would be good strategical evidence of excellent teaching experience. It is also essential to take down few examples of quality teaching experiences.
Another quality tenet to be included in your academic portfolio’s teaching strategy includes your scholarly contributions or publications, representing a representative selection of your research writing. It would be important for you to write any grants and awards in any research activity carried out. It is necessary to keep an updated list and describe the most significant contributions, accurate dates, and amounts. Besides, it is essential to note down the collaborations with other students and departments, demonstrating how well you can work with colleagues Yoshida, L. (2016). Educational technology research.
Professional development goals in nursing are very personal. They comprise roles that either functioned as career development or even academic prowess (Ash & Breslin, 2018). It is coherent with the University’s policy on social change to be consistent and in touch with my specialty area to influence competency and love for my specialty.

Strategies for Academic Portfolios

Ash, J., & Breslin, E. (2018). The changing face of academic nursing: Nurturing diversity, inclusivity, and equity. Journal Of Professional Nursing, 34(2), 103-109
Ling, M. (2021). The Use of Academic Portfolio in the Learning and Assessment of Physics Students from a Singapore Private College. International Journal Of Assessment Tools In Education, 3(2), 151-160.
Little-wienert, K., & Mazziotti, M. (2018). Twelve tips for creating an academic teaching portfolio. Medical Teacher, 26-30.
Michallak, R., & Rysavvy, M. (2021). Building a #Nocode Academic Portfolio in Notion. Journal Of Library Administration, 61(1), 86-113
Yoshida, L. (2016). Educational technology research. The Development Of A Graduate Student Academic Portfolio, 39, 111-123.

In the realm of marketing, a successful branding strategy is one of the most important contributors to organizational success. A solid branding strategy can help add visibility and credibility to a company’s products.

Similarly, nurse-scholars can build a personal brand to add visibility and credibility to their work. You can begin building your brand by developing and maintaining an academic portfolio. Such an activity can help share the results of your efforts and contribute to your success. This Module’s Discussion asks you to consider and share strategies for building your portfolio.

To Prepare:

Reflect on strategies that you can pursue in developing portfolios or portfolio elements that focus on academic achievements.
Review one or more samples from your own research of resources focused on portfolio development.
By Day 3 of Week 8

Post an explanation of at least two strategies for including academic activities and accomplishments into your professional development goals. Then, explain how those goals may align with the University’s emphasis on social change. Be specific and provide examples.

Strategies for Academic Portfolios

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