Research content regarding concepts of multiculturalism and diversity, and include interventions that address health disparities
1) Minimum 3 full pages
2)¨**********APA norms, complet file 1
All paragraphs must be narrative and cited in the text- each paragraphs
Bulleted responses are not accepted
Dont write in the first person.)
3) It will be verified by Turnitin and SafeAssign
4) Minimum 5 references not older than 5 years.
Mandatory: Use references like CDC and WHO
5) Answer questions objectively, refrain from giving unnecessary definitions
Objetives: Analyze health promotion and illness prevention risk factors in a multicultural context.
Apply concepts of multiculturalism and diversity to become an agent of change.
Health topic: juvenile diabetes ( Florida)
1) Locate health statistics for your selections. You must include national and state data.
2) Include local county or city data if available.
Follow the guide in the left hand column for each section.
Research content regarding concepts of multiculturalism and diversity, and include interventions that address health disparities.
Do not modify the margins or the size of the cells.