Replies to Two Discussions


Replies to Two Discussions




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Reply to Professor Mishra

Death sentence also referred to as legalized killing, is a lawful operation in the United States (Clancy, 2021) whereby a person is convicted to death by the government as a penalty for their offense. The use of judicial murder is a controversial issue in the United States, with opinions divided on its effectiveness and fairness in its application. The place of judicial murder in the United States varies from state to state. Some have been abolished, while others still use it. Opponents of capital punishment argue that it is an inhumane form of punishment that violates human rights and that there are risks of executing innocent people. Supporters of capital punishment believe it serves as a deterrent to crime and provides justice to victims (A. Dheekshanya, 2021). Therefore, whether capital punishment has been achieved depends on how one views its effectiveness. The threat of death does not deter people from committing violent crimes; instead, changes in law enforcement and the economy are more likely to affect crime rates.

Reply to Isabella

Every allegation placed on the defense greatly hangs on how evidence is collected and genuine to both the legal counsel and the complainant. The perspective you hold on the seriousness of first-degree murder and believe those who commit such crimes should face severe consequences are understandable. However, the death penalty is highly divisive, and many people have different opinions on its effectiveness and morality. Remember to some death penalty is a cruel and inhumane form of punishment and should be avoided as an alternative. On the other hand, some people still support its execution to provide justice to victims and their families. In both cases, it is essential to have an informed and thoughtful conversation on the issue, considering all perspectives and arguments (Reichel, 2022).


A., Dheekshanya. (2021). An Analysis of Capital Punishment from a Positivist and Naturalist Legal Perspective. Jus Corpus LJ2, 504

Clancy, D. J. (2021). The Death Penalty across the Mason-Dixie Line: A Comparison of Capital Punishment in Louisiana and Ohio. Loy. J. Pub. Int. L.23, 1.

Reichel, P. L. (2022). Death Penalty and Capital Punishment in Comparative Perspective. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice.


Professor Mishra
This website and video explain the history of capital punishment in the United States. it is a good way to introduce yourself to this topic.
Please watch and reflect on the content and position of the purpose of Capital Punishment and whether or not this is achieved. Does it work? Is it a deterrent for violent crimes such as first-degree murder? 
link :

Please reply to Isabella :
Hi Diandra,
 The life sentence in prison I agree does not thoroughly punish those who truly deserve it for the crimes that they committed. A life sentence only allows them to continue living, whether it's behind bars or not, they should not be enjoying the benefits that are given to those who haven't committed as serious of a crime. First-degree murder is serious, for someone to commit such a crime as this shows that they do not care about human life by any means. This type of murder is known as premeditated, meaning that it is and was already planned prior which makes it just as worse because it was thought out with every detail. The person is and was aware of what he/she chose to do. The only case I feel as though, would be ok would be if it was a victim such as a rape victim, or kidnapping who is using self-defense to get away from their abuser. In the state of Florida, when a crime such as this is committed they are sentenced to a life sentence in prison and no possibility of parole, but for the death penalty to be considered the prosecution would need to press for it (Cohen, n.d.). The prosecution when handling a case such as this would need to insist for this be considered, and would normally use the evidence presented in the case, the victim, and what was done as a way to persuade the death penalty to be considered. 

First degree murder. Fort Lauderdale Criminal Lawyer Michael B. Cohen. (n.d.). from %20for, stakes%20couldn't%20be%20higher.
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