Poor Communication Skills


Introduction to the Effects of Poor Communication in Healthcare

Effective communication is essential in all human interactions, but it is especially important in healthcare because poor doctor-nurse or practitioner-patient interactions result in poor patient outcomes. As a result, poor communication can lead to poor care quality. Communication breakdowns are most common during shift changes when a patient’s care is handed over to an incoming care provider. When inaccurate, ambiguous, or incomplete information is exchanged during handovers, the likelihood of medical errors occurring increases. Poor communication has resulted in incorrect diagnoses, treatment procedures, and medical prescriptions in some cases. Examining various types of interactions within the healthcare system will provide a thorough understanding of the consequences of poor communication.

The Effect on Healthcare

As the demand for multidisciplinary care grows, there is a greater need to address the complexities of patient needs. A healthcare facility’s communication levels can be broadly classified into two groups: physician-nurse and nurse-patient interactions (Tan et al., 2017). Nurses and physicians are the most important person who provides direct care to patients, so effective communication between them is critical. However, information exchange gaps continue to exist, affecting quality, safety, and patient outcomes. There are numerous factors that impede effective communication between physicians and nurses, the most common of which relate to the innate nature of these professionals and the clinical environment in which they work (Tan et al., 2017). Other factors that contribute to their perceived understanding of each other’s roles include a disruptive practice environment, physician dominance over nurses, and their natural communication styles.
Poor Communication Skills


Poor Communication Skills:

We have discussed effective and non-effective communication skills throughout our time together. It is important for us to establish healthy and effective communication skills to establish therapeutic relationships with our patients and gain rapport.

You will find a video link that is listed below. I want you to watch the video in its entirety. Then I would like you to respond with a discussion post answering the following questions:

1. Overall, was the communication style therapeutic or non-therapeutic? Please explain why. Minimum 4 sentences.
2. Identify what non-therapeutic strategies were demonstrated in this video. Look at the PowerPoint that we did to identify the names of different strategies if used in the video.
3. Identify what therapeutic strategies were demonstrated. Look at the PowerPoint to identify names of strategies to list here if used in the video.

4. Stepping into the patient’s shoes – if you were the patient, how would this interaction make you feel?

5. How could she improve – list out suggestions of different techniques by their name and give examples of questions or statements that should have been provided

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