Poli 330N Week 7 Assignment: Final Project

Final Project Details Memo Brainstorm

report based on research

Formal reports are critical for the effective communication of information. They are typically used in place of formal meetings or other methods of information dissemination. Research-based reports are typically created to demonstrate business concepts to the appropriate audience. Their main goal is to present information concisely and clearly so that the main steps of professional activities can be understood.

A research-based report can be dedicated to constructing new small cottages designed specifically for summer relaxation. It would be a small cottage town in the country, safe from the outside world, where families and children could relax and feel safe from their daily routine.

This project would be aimed at large building company architects, constructors, and future cottage-town investors.

The research-based report aims to provide the population with a special place for relaxation where they can feel safe, like at home, while immersed in nature’s beautiful and calm atmosphere. This idea is in high demand, which is why this project’s bringing to life would be popular among citizens who want to spend more time with their families but lack the time and space to do so.

The cottage-town project would be profitable for investors and construction companies while also meeting the entire society’s needs. A research-based report would demonstrate the importance of this project’s implementation.

The research sources would be limited to interviews and various surveys related to the topic. The data would include various recommendations for the successful completion of the project in question.

Starting to consider an oral presentation

Various problems must be solved, and certain rules must be followed to communicate the information properly and understandably.

Author Dave Paradi presented the most important steps for avoiding problems during your oral presentation in his article “Solve your Biggest Marketing Presentation Problem.” He claims that one of the most important steps to take is to create standard slides of the company demonstrating specific products or programs, known as a slide library.

These slides would include key visual elements required for an oral presentation. The second step is closely related to staff training on the creation and use of slide libraries. The company’s employees should be aware of how to persuade clients; in this case, it will help to achieve success and save time.

Finally, the article’s author suggests updating this slide library every four months. This aspect is critical for the marketing company because its level is never stable and must be renewed for future presentations.

Randy Lipson, the author of the article “PowerPoint Prowess: Using Presentations as a Solution,” explains that one should not rely solely on the presentation because most selling occurs before the presentation. She emphasizes how much more enjoyable it is for customers to buy something rather than be sold.

The most important method of presentation is to emphasize the wonderful qualities of the goods for purchase rather than sell them. The information should be presented so that consumers perceive the quality of the goods to be far greater than the price they pay. The oral presentation should help to gain the audience’s trust for future successful deals and great selling.

Seth Markowitz described another important aspect in his article “The Right Technology Solution for Your Presentation.” This article emphasizes the idea that technological progress has resulted in using various new tools for conducting oral presentations.

Compared to Google online presentations and Sliderocket, PowerPoint is not as widely used in modern presentations. The author focuses on the work done with the vendor while recording the presentation and emphasizes the following key issues to understand in such a situation:

The need to know whether the presenter needs to install special software to record a demo;

It is critical to clarify all available distribution methods.

To determine whether the viewer can interact with the content online.

All three articles are critical to the successful organization of the oral conference. The use of modern technologies is extremely beneficial for information presentation.

It is essential to present the goods properly for the audience to perceive the high quality of the products and understand the need to purchase them. To gain trust, the company should be perfectly prepared for the oral presentation; this will undoubtedly lead to future cooperation and a good promotion of the company brand.

Every oral presentation should adhere to the major rules outlined. Remembering that potential clients will perceive the high quality of your information presentation and how you establish rapport with them is critical. The presentation’s success depends on thorough preparation and attention to detail.


Poli 330N Week 7 Assignment: Final Project

Resources Required
For this activity, read or review the following resources:

Chapter 11 of the textbook

Writing Papers at CU: Citation and Writing Assistance (Links to an external site.)

Overview of the Library (Links to an external site.)

How to Find Articles Using the Everything Tab (Links to an external site.)

Four scholarly sources are required (in addition to the textbook)


You work as a lobbyist for a cause that is important to you. For example, you want to see smoking banned in federal buildings (Note: This policy has already been enacted). You plan to create an informational pamphlet to present to prominent members of Congress. Investigate the members of Congress you intend to lobby. Explain why these individuals are essential to your goal. Create a plan of action and a pamphlet to support your cause. Whom will you be contacting? Why? Write a cover letter to a Congressional member, explaining why you have chosen to contact them in particular. Always remember that a lobbyist is only as good as the information they provide. A lobbyist who provides inaccurate or incomplete information will be fired or lose access to officials.

A cover letter should include the following:

Use a standard business format.

Address your congressperson correctly.

Use the proper postal address.

Explain why you wrote to this representative, and include your pamphlet. For example, perhaps your research revealed that this representative has previously sponsored legislation on this subject.

The pamphlet should include the following:

Define the issue. Tells us exactly what is wrong. Describe the urgency and provide data. Maintain objectivity.

Examine the issue. Provide all pertinent information. Tell us how you interpreted the data. Please provide any findings.

Provide a suggestion. Make no broad generalizations. Make your point.

It must be convincing.

Four scholarly sources should be cited.

Send in your cover letter and pamphlet for evaluation.

Requirements for Writing (APA format).

The cover letter to the congressman should be no more than one page long.

The pamphlet should be five pages long.

margins of one inch

Times New Roman 12-point font

Page of Reference (minimum of 4 scholarly sources)

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