Pediatric Primary Care in United States

Pediatric Primary Care in United States

More children and young adults have become insured since passage of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) than at any time since the creation of the Medicaid program in 1965. Since the ACA became law in 2010, the uninsurance rate for children younger than 18 has dropped from 9.7 percent to 4.8 percent. This historic reduction in the number of uninsured children is in large part because the Medicaid program, the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), and key ACA changes in employer-sponsored and marketplace health plans have worked together in a coordinated way. Current congressional and Administration proposals will reverse this progress, leading to higher rates of uninsured children, lower levels of needed benefits, and reduced access to developmentally appropriate care throughout the full span of childhood.  Pediatric Primary Care in United States

At the same time, the United States has benefited from advances in pediatric health care, resulting in decreased infant mortality, increased immunization rates, and a decline in the rate of preventable hospital admissions for children.

“As a country, we have made incredible strides over the past decade in reducing the number of children without health insurance by over 50%, in increasing the coverage of essential benefits for children, and in making insurance affordable to families and children who could not previously obtain coverage.  we simply cannot afford and must vigorously oppose relinquishing these gains so as not to harm children,” said Mark L. Hudak, MD, FAAP, a lead author of the report.

“The United States can and should do more to make sure that no child lacks access to necessary health care.”

In its policy statement, the AAP calls for Congress to improve the patchwork of public and private insurance programs, expand Medicaid funding to ensure the continued access to the 37 million children who rely on this program, and extend funding for CHIP for five more years. CHIP covered 8.9 million children in fiscal year 2016 alone, the statement observes.Pediatric Primary Care in United States

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