Leadership Strategies for Quality Outcomes

Leadership Strategies for Quality Outcomes

Nursing leadership is a multifaceted job. For this weeks discussion post, we assess our strengths using the Stengths finder 2.0 from Gallup and Tom Rath. We also take into consideration how our strengths can help improve quality and safety.

The topic of strengths goes hand in hand when we speak about leadership. The most significant take away from Rath is stated correctly in this quote, “…overcoming deficits is an essential part in the fabric of our culture.” (2007). Rath made a great point throughout this book, focusing on our strengths instead of our weaknesses. My five strengths were: positivity, learner, arranger, include, and connectedness.NURS 6025 Leadership Strategies for Quality Outcomes

My most robust strength was positivity (relationship building). I was not surprised by this because I am known to make connections not only for myself but for those around me. Those with a robust positive trait are able to bring people together and form long-lasting relationships (Rosson & Weeks, 2018). The next strength listed is a learner or strategic thinking. Strategic thinking is key when in a leadership position. According to Olsen and Simerson, strategic planning allows nurse leaders to propel into the future and stay current within their markets, 2015). Arranger as the third strength is someone who is great at executing tasks. Include like positivity is focused on relationship building and making sure everyone feels included on my team. Lastly, connectedness is also focused on building relationships. As a nurse leader, my building relationships, executing tasks effectively, and strategic thinking is key to any managers success.

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