Identify people needing secondary health services

Identify people needing secondary health services

Question 1 Besides being important public health issues and motivating people to action, what purpose do the Healthy People 2020 objectives serve?

1. Measure the impact of prevention activities

2. Provide monetary worth to the nation

3. Replace other tools

4. Identify people needing secondary health services

Question 2 A group of health care providers are attempting to define health. What can occur during this discussion?

1. Terms and meanings may be challenged.
2. Categories of health will be listed.
3. Ambiguity will be resolved.
4. Achieves a full acceptance by all parties

Question 3 Which is an obligation of a person who is assuming the sick role?

1. Seek help and following it to promote recovery.
2. Stay away from others to prevent them from becoming ill.
3. Follow health orders without question.
4. Appear to be sick.

Question 4 According to Suchman, what does assuming the sick role mean to a person?

Select all that apply.

1. Seeks help and shares the problem with family and friends
2. Goes under the control of a physician who plans a treatment of care
3. Seeks scientific confirmation that something is wrong
4. Becomes aware that something is wrong and responds emotionally

Question 5 Within the Healthy People 2020 document, what characteristics contribute to health disparity in the United States?

Select all that apply.

1. Race
2. Religion
3. Gender
4. Age
5. Unemployment/underemployment

Question 6 Which actions or behaviors exemplify health maintenance?

Select all that apply.

1. Having an annual physical with a healthcare provider
2. Complying with immunization schedules
3. Eating balanced meals
4. Regular exercise
5. Having health insurance

Question 7 A patient says, “The doctors say I’m healthy, but I still don’t feel well.” What can the nurse infer from this statement about the patient’s definition of health?

Select all that apply.

1. The patient equates being healthy with feeling well.
2. The patient’s definition of health includes more than the absence of physical symptoms.
3. Since the patient does not feel well, disease must be present.
4. The patient believes that a disease is still present.
5. The patient is experiencing pain.

Question 8 Which phases would a person experience during an illness trajectory?

1. Symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation
2. Symptoms, diagnosis, rehabilitation, treatment
3. Rehabilitation, treatment, recovery, symptoms
4. Diagnosis, treatment, symptoms, rehabilitation

Question 9 Why would health care providers refer to Healthy People 2020 when providing patient care?

1. It provides a plan to continue to improve the health of everyone in the United States.
2. It supports policies which provide monetary incentives to states who reach the benchmark goals.
3. It serves as a monitoring system that evaluates the health of all citizens.
4. It is mandated legislation that will result in a healthier population by 2020.

Question 10 While hospitalized, a patient enters the stage of patient status. What behavior will the nurse observe in this patient?

1. The person shifts into the role as it is determined by society.
2. The illness is now socially recognized and identified.
3. Symptoms are being experienced, leading to a diagnosis.
4. The patient does all that can be done to recover from his or her illness.

Question 11 How would the definition of health differ between a beginning nursing student and a graduate nursing student?

Select all that apply.

1. Health for the graduate nurse is more technical.
2. Health for the graduate student is more abstract.
3. Health becomes more tangible for the graduate nurse.
4. Health for the beginning nurse is a complex integration of parts.
5. Health becomes easier to define for the graduate nurse.

Question 12 Which statement exemplifies Rosenstock’s belief about health as an elusive concept?

Seeking medical care evolves in distinct stages.

Question 13 The nurse determines that a patient is in the onset stage of an illness. What did the nurse observe in the patient?

1. The first symptoms of a given problem are experienced.
2. There is a gradual resumption of normal roles and activities.
3. The sick role becomes that of being a patient.
4. The disease is identified and socially sanctioned.

Question 14 What would be the result of ambivalence during the dependent-patient role stage?

1. Create barriers that interfere with the treatment and willingness to comply.
2. Warrant further confirmation sought from family and friends about what is happening.
3. Have the person become aware that something is wrong.
4. Cause additional burdens to family and friends of the person at this time.

Question 15 Which statement exemplifies how a nursing student views health?

1. Entered the health care profession with a culturally based concept of health
2. Forces patients to accept the medical definitions of health
3. Accepts the prevailing definition of health and applies it to individual patients
4. Must share the patient’s views of health and illness

Question 16 While reviewing the Healthy People 2020 document, the nurse identifies what as being the main objectives of the program?

Select all that apply.

1. Address the relationship between health status and biology, behavior, services, social factors, and policies.
2. Emphasize an ecological approach to disease prevention and health promotion.
3. Ensuring all Americans have health insurance
4. Eliminating childhood diseases
5. Ensuring all Americans have one physical each year

Question 17 Why would the nurse review health status determinants when assessing a patient?

Select all that apply.

1. Learn the patient’s lifestyle.
2. Understand the patient’s environment.
3. Identify how to measure progress.
4. Ability to motivate action
5. Identify ways to reduce health care costs.

Question 18 A patient comes to a health care provider concerned about a family history of diabetes. The provider addresses the patient’s concerns and suggests interventions to diminish the patient’s chances of developing the disease. What is this action considered?

1. Perceived benefits

2. Demographic variables

3. Perceived seriousness

4. Sociopsychological variables

Question 19 Which illness trajectory would be seen in a person with cancer?

1. presenting symptoms, followed by treatment and recovery.

2. acute illness, unstable status, deterioration, and recovery.

3. diagnosis, treatment, unstable status, death.

4. presenting symptoms, followed by diagnosis and treatment

Question 20 After learning about a health problem, a patient is reluctant to take action. Which barriers could be influencing this patient’s decision about taking action?

Select all that apply.

1. Cost

2. Availability

3. Time

4. Social class

5. Use of Jargon

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