Identify ONE health benefit and ONE health risk of caffeine consumption

Identify ONE health benefit and ONE health risk of caffeine consumption

HS2000 Health Sciences Research Report #1

Health Behaviors in HS2000 Students

100 points

10 points for survey +90 points for report

Submission Document

STEP 1 (6 points)

  1. Write your hypothesis. caffeine negatively affects my sleeping pattern, I am unable to sleep continuously after taking caffeine.
  2. What is the independent variable? Caffeine
  3. What is the dependent variable? Sleep

STEP 2 (18 points)

  1. Is this class survey study cross-sectional, longitudinal, or experimental? What is a strength and weakness of this type of study? The main strength of the experimental survey is that an event is created to determine the outcome. The main weakness is that the event is simulated in that it is some factors present in reality are limited or eliminated thus the possibility of changing the results.
  2. The class survey included two questionnaires: The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Questionnaire and Dr. Lynch’s Caffeine Consumption survey, which was made up by a Health Sciences professor for this survey. Summarize the content of these surveys and explain what they measured. Do not repeat the questions and answer choices.

The Pittsburgh sleep questionnaire evaluated how much sleep in terms of quality and quantity a person gets. For instance is the sleep interrupted or uninterrupted. The amount of caffeine taken and the frequency of taking the caffeine is evaluated by the consumption survey to determine the levels of caffeine in the body.

  1. What is one strength and one weakness of the survey methods used to explore the relationship between sleep and caffeine? One strength is that multiple scenarios are evaluated . The weakness is predetermined.
  2. Identify one way that our class survey study could be made stronger. Consider either better measurements for the variables or a different study type. Explain why this is stronger. The class survey would be more effective if a wide variety of techniques would be applied in the determining the results. For instance the quality of sleep should be evaluated in terms of time, consistency and level of consciousness.

STEP 3 (44 points)

  1. Compare and contrast the HS2000 class characteristics (Found in Table 1 & 2) to the OU student population on the following variables. Be specific in your answers (use numbers or percent in your comparisons). You may find the following two webpages useful in answering this question.

· About OU (click on Fast Facts):

· Office of Institutional Research and Assessment:

a. Age

b. Male/female ratio

c. Residence

  1. Do you think the findings of this survey are generalizable to the OU student population as a whole? Why or why not?
  2. Look at Table 3. Compared to recommendations for hours of sleep, how are HS2000 students doing on sleep? Based on this assessment, what are some long-term OR short-term health risks (or benefits) that the average HS2000 student might experience? You must us and cite credible sources. You MAY NOT use your textbook.
  3. Again, look at Table 3. Although an average caffeine consumption could not be calculated, you can see ranges in students’ consumption of caffeine. Summarize the caffeine consumption habits of students in HS2000
  4. Identify ONE health benefit and ONE health risk of caffeine consumption. You must cite your sources. Again, you may not use your textbook.
  5. Identify and interpret the statistical relationship between the following sleep variables and caffeine consumption. Include the statistics (p-values and r-values), an interpretation of the r-value, and a statement about significance.

a. Hours of sleep and caffeine consumption

b. Sleep quality index score and caffeine consumption

  1. Based on these results, what do you conclude is the relationship between caffeine intake and sleep?
  2. Was your hypothesis supported? Explain WHY you think it was/was not supported. That is, thinking critically, why do you think this result occurred? If your hypothesis was supported, what is the link between variables. If it was not, what are some alternative explanations? You are graded on your assessment of support and for your explanations, NOT that your hypothesis was correct.
  3. Identify which variables are significantly different between men and women and explain the differences (e.g. if there is a significant difference in caffeine use, explain whether men or women are higher and by how much).
  4. Identify which variables are significantly different between students who live on-campus and those who live off-campus. Again explain the differences.
  5. Choose ONE of the findings from #16 or #17 (e.g. differences between on and off-campus living) and comment on whether or not you expected this result and why.

STEP 4 (16 points)

  1. Find a peer-reviewed, original research study that examines sleep variables OR caffeine consumption in college students, published in the past 10 years. Cut and paste the abstract here. Include an in-text citation at the end of the abstract.
  2. Describe your search process by: naming the search database used, identifying search terms and any limiters you used, how many results the search returned.
  3. Describe two ways the peer-reviewed study is similar and different than our class survey study. You MUST comment on at least two of the following: sample characteristics (including size), study design, or how variables were measured. Be sure your comparisons are clearly explained. Be sure to use in-text citations when discussing the peer-reviewed research study.
  4. Summarize the findings of the study you found and compare them to the results of the HS2000 class survey study. Be sure to use in-text citations when discussing the peer-reviewed research study.

REFERENCES (6 points)


Fall 2017

Fall 2017


HS2000 Health Sciences Research Report #1

Health Behaviors in HS2000


100 points

10 points for survey +90 points for report

Submission Document


(6 points)

  1. Write your hypothesis.

caffeine negatively affects my sleeping pattern, I am

unable to sleep

continuously after taking caffeine


  1. What is the independent variable?

HS2000 Health Sciences Research Report #1

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