History of public health laws

History of public health laws

History of public health laws

Our public health law assignment help experts inform that the Romans had an elaborate system of public health. After the Black Death in Europe in the 14th century, public health measures were steeped up. In the 19th century, rapid urbanization and industrialization brought about a string of deadly epidemics which swept across the city of London and other cities of Europe. Sanitary reforms started from around 1840s. In England, the first public health act was passed in 1842. This was followed by the actual rebuilding of a number of cities such as Paris and Naples. Similar measures were undertaken in America and in the colonies of Europe. Learn about the full revolution of public health law by ordering our public health law assignment help material.NURS 6150 week 11 Public Health Initiative

Public health/Public diseases

The diseases which once caused havoc across Europe and America are now entirely tamed. However, a student needing public health law assignment and online must take into account a brief history of each of these diseases:

1. Cholera

It is a disease of the small intestine and is caused by the bacterium, vibrio cholera. It is transmitted through food and water which has been contaminated by the feces of an infected person. Our public health law assignment help experts also add the fact it was one of the most deadly diseases of the 19th century and affected the slums, the back alleys and working class neighborhoods of London. Out of a desire to control the spread of such deadly diseases was born the 19th century sanitary movement.

2. Plague

Another infectious disease is plague which is caused by Yersinia Pestis a bacterium. It is transmitted by air and also by food materials and utensils. Our public health law assignment help experts state that it causes the swelling of lymph nodes and high fever.NURS 6150 week 11 Public Health Initiative

3. Small pox

Another important contagious disease from the point of view of public health is small pox. It is caused by variola major a virus. It is localized disease of the blood vessels which results in the heavy, fluid filled blisters.

All these contagious diseases resulted in huge number of deaths in Europe. It was mainly as a response of these diseases that a number of public health measures were undertaken, such as quarantining of infected individuals, ban on the sale of adulterated liquors and food, forceful variolation and vaccination etc. These were some of the measures which were followed in the 19th century and are still emulated in many countries for the prevention of diseases. Some of these measures are still followed in many countries. Our public health law assignment help experts can throw more light on this.NURS 6150 week 11 Public Health Initiative

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