Health Disparities Research

Health Disparities Research


            Despite the numerous advancements made in public health in recent decades, healthcare disparities still exist. Minority populations in the United States are disproportionately at risk of not having insurances, lack of access to care and probably having the worst healthcare outcomes from conditions that can otherwise be prevented. According to the World Health Organization, healthcare disparities simply refer to variations, inequalities or differences in healthcare that result in worse health outcomes among populations which are socially disadvantaged. In this context, it refers to people of a specific ethnicity or race who are economically or socially disadvantaged.Health Disparities Research Paper

The federal government of the United States has made the reduction of disparities its national priority. Similarly, policy experts in the health sector, physicians and other healthcare providers have focused their attention and interest in identifying the social determinants of health to establish ways of increasing diversity and the cultural competency of healthcare professionals. This paper discusses how the social determinants of health are the major identifiers of healthcare disparities and propose a diverse workforce as an effective strategy in eliminating healthcare disparities.

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