flowchart illustrating participant recruitment, data collecting, and analysis phases


Phase 2: Outline and Directions
Title: [Insert research topic title]

1. Synopsis of the Literature
Goal: Give a summary of the body of current research pertinent to your topic, emphasising areas of discrepancy your study seeks to correct.
First introduction: Reintroduce your study topic momentarily. Describe its significance and applicability for modern problems.
List five important research, stressing their approaches, results, and applicability to your work.
For instance, Article 1: Summary of Results and Its Relation to Your Research.
Article 2: Service of this study to the field.
Go five articles from now on.
Research Vacuum: Point up limits or unresolved issues in the body of research. Describe how your work will fill in these voids.
2. Research Design and Methodology
Design of the Study:

Indicate the type of study—quantitative, qualitative, or mixed-methods.
Describe why your research questions or hypotheses call for this design.
Research Questions or Hypotheses:

Clearly state the particular hypotheses or questions directing your research.

Explain in great detail how you conducted the research. Incorporate: techniques of data collecting (such as laboratory analysis, questionnaires, interviews).
Timeline including every phase of the research.
Contextual or setting description for the research (e.g., community, hospital).
ethical issues including respect of participant anonymity and informed permission.
3. Method of Sampling

Specify the target population—that is, demographic information, inclusion/exclusion rules.
System of Sampling:

Indicate whether you use non-probability sampling (convenience, purposeful) or random, stratified probability sampling.
Explain your selection of sampling strategy.
Sample size is:

List the anticipated sample count.
Justify (e.g., power analysis, past research).
4. Essentials for Tools
Instruments for Data Gathering:

List tools (e.g., validated questionnaires, observation checklists, software) required for data collecting.
Explain their legitimacy and dependability and defend their choice.
Techniques for Data Analysis:

Specify tools and methods for data analysis (like SPSS for quantitative data, thematic analysis for qualitative data).
Discuss any specific knowledge or instruction needed to operate these tools.
5. Flowmaps or algorithms devised algorithms:

If relevant, look over methodically applied data processing or analysis algorithms.
For participant inclusion, for instance, consider a data cleaning process or a decision tree.
Map of Flow:

Offer graphic depictions of research techniques.
A flowchart illustrating participant recruitment, data collecting, and analysis phases, for instance, would indicate
Extra Thoughts
Writing style:

APA seventh edition style.
Times New Roman, 12-point font, doubled spaced.
Five pages total—not including references, appendices, or a title page.

References: Count at least five academic papers over the past five years.

Sample Paper Flow: Introduction

Review the subjects and Phase 1 results.
Emphasise the reason behind this continuation.
Review of the Literature

List five studies in one line.

Specify the thorough processes and study design.

Specify the population; the sample technique; and the size.
Instruments and Supplies

Talk about required tools and their applicability.
Algorithms or flow charts

Put visual aids in place as needed.

List major components of the approach.
Tell me whether you want help building graphic components or composing any particular section.







Phase 2 Paper. Instructions

This paper is a continuation of the phase 1 paper. In this paper you should perform a brief literature review on the topic (Will need at least 5 support articles) and provide the desired methodology for the project. The Paper will be 5 pages.


1- Brief literature review.

2- Methodology and design of the study (Be as detailed as possible).

3- Sampling methodology.

4- Necessary tools.

5- Any algorithms or flow maps created.

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