Expected Sampling Techniques and Justification
A purposeful sample technique will be used for the research topic “Exploring the Impact of Mindfulness-Based Interventions on Stress Reduction among Nurses in Intensive Care Units (ICUs),” Purposive sampling is a non-probability sampling method whereby participants are chosen depending on particular criteria or traits that fit the goals of the research. This approach is perfect for the planned study since it emphasises on acquiring rich, pertinent information from subjects having firsthand knowledge of the topic under investigation.
Why is intentional sampling suitable?
Aimed for population: The study especially addresses ICU nurses since they deal with special pressures like high patient acuity, essential decision-making, and emotional issues. Choosing individuals from this population guarantees that the information is exactly relevant to the study topics.
Relance to Research Questions: Purposive sampling enables the choice of participants who can offer thorough understanding of the perceived effects, practicality, and obstacles to mindfulness-based therapies (MBIs) inside ICU environments.
Feasibility: By means of cooperation with nursing supervisors or administrators, this approach is effective for reaching a designated group inside a clinical context, say ICU staff in hospitals.
Sample Count
This study’s intended sample size is 20–30 ICU nurses. The following influences help to define this range:
The study stresses investigating attitudes, experiences, and obstacles, therefore a smaller, targeted sample size suitable for obtaining detailed information.
A sample size of 20–30 people is enough to attain thematic saturation, in which case more data collecting does not produce fresh ideas or themes.
Feasibility in Clinical Settings: Given the time limits and the possible difficulty finding ICU nurses already handling heavy workloads, this spectrum seems reasonable.
Approach of Recruitment
Working in ICUs, nurses will be hired from one or more hospitals using the help of nursing managers and administrators.
inclusion standards: Participants must be registered nurses ready to participate in mindfulness-based therapies and with at least one year of ICU experience.
Nurses not actively working in the ICU or those with past significant expertise with mindfulness-based techniques are excluded so order to prevent perceptions from being biassed.
Final Thought
Purposive sampling guarantees that the study captures significant and relevant data from ICU nurses most likely to offer insights on the effectiveness, feasibility, and barriers of mindfulness-based therapies. The suggested sample size of 20–30 persons guarantees depth of analysis while preserving feasibility since it fits the qualitative character of the research. This focused strategy will help the study to meet its goals and offer insightful analysis of how MBIs might be used to lower stress among ICU nurses.
Appropriate sampling is a critical component in developing a good research project. Using your approved research questions and research topic, explain your anticipated sampling method and why this is appropriate for your research proposal. What is your sample size?
TOPIC: exploring the Impact of Mindfulness-Based Interventions on Stress Reduction among Nurses in Intensive Care Units (ICUs)
Research Questions
1. What are the perceived effects of mindfulness-based interventions (MBIs) on stress levels
among nurses working in Intensive Care Units (ICUs)?
2. How do ICU nurses perceive the feasibility and acceptability of integrating MBIs into
their daily routine?3
3. What are the potential barriers and facilitators to successfully implementing MBIs for
stress reduction in ICU nursing staff?