Explain the cultural influences on the disciplinary style of Akshat and Rishita

Explain the cultural influences on the disciplinary style of    Akshat and Rishita

Jindal Family Case Study

Access and read the “Jindal Family Case Study Worksheet”   to help you complete this assignment. In a 500-750-word essay, address  the following prompts:

  1. Explain the cultural influences on the disciplinary style of    Akshat and Rishita. How do their disciplinary styles differ from    those of Western contemporary disciplinary styles?
  2. Explain    the role of social policy in this situation and why it is  necessary.
  3. Describe the effects of multicultural influences    on Akshat and Rishita’s parenting practices. How do societal    trends and influences impact parenting practices?

Akshat and Rishita Jindal immigrated to the US from India 10 years ago with their daughters, Samriddhi and Charvi, who were 5 and 3 years old at the time, respectively. They had suffered the loss of their eldest daughter, Prisha, before they came to the US. But, Akshat and Rishita had Adamya, who was born in the US.

Akshat’s parents later emigrated from India to join Akshat and his family. They reside together in the same household as they did when they lived in India. The health of his father, Aadit, is declining, though his Mother, Dhriti, remains strong.

Samriddhi was just 3 years old when her big sister, Prisha, died. She remembers her sister as a sickly child who required all of her mother’s attention and care. Samriddhi and Charvi were cared for by their grandparents while their mother tended to Prisha’s needs and their father was at work. After Prisha’s death, their mother was distraught. It was common for the sisters to go several weeks without interacting with their mother, who spent most of her time in bed, sleeping. Aadit and Dhriti did their best to care for the children, since their mother could not. They were particularly saddened for Charvi who was not breastfed, nor did she get to sleep with her parents during her first year of life. The grandparents continued caring for the children until the family moved to the United States. The grandparents, Aadit and Dhriti, felt disrespected and were angered by Akshat’s betrayal of the family. The Jindal family had been in the same village for 9 generations! As their only son, they worried about who would care for them in their old age, and they missed their grandchildren tremendously.The paper must be neatly formatted, double-spaced with a one-inch margin on the top, bottom, and sides of each page. When submitting hard copy, be sure to use white paper and print out using dark ink. If it is hard to read your essay, it will also be hard to follow your argument.

Cite three to five scholarly sources to support your claims.

Jindal Family Case Study

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