EBP Proposal and Nursing Practice

EBP Proposal and Nursing Practice

The aim of this essay is to explore the relationship between the research process and evidence based practice. The author of this essay intends to explore and illustrate an understanding of the various types of evidence used within nursing practice. There are barriers to implementing research into practice, the author intends to give explanation to these barriers and detail strategies/organizations that assist to putting research into nurse’s everyday practice. Two journal articles will be critiqued within this essay; the aim of this is to indicate which evidence has been used, to assess the strengths and weaknesses in the research process and to evaluate its usefulness in practice.NRS 490 Week 1 EBP Proposal and Nursing Practice

Principles of Evidence Based Practice

Research can be described as a method of investigating a chosen area to illicit new information on the topic or to build on previous knowledge.  In nursing research the aim of this research is to provide clients, their carers and their families with the best possible care in all aspects of their treatment to promote well being (Burns and Grove 2001).NRS 490 Week 1 EBP Proposal and Nursing Practice

“The conscientious, explicit and judicious use of current best evidence in making decisions about the care of individual patients. The practice of evidence based medicine means integrating individual clinical expertise with the best available external evidence from systematic research.” (Sackett et al 1996;72)

Nurses are at the front line of healthcare and have most one to one contact time with clients; therefore it is essential that the foundation of their practice be formed from reliable evidence (Parahoo 2006). Evidence based practice sets out to integrate the best possible evidence, nursing knowledge and patient views into practice. It is vital that nursing staff be knowledgeable of the latest findings in nursing research and are able to access and opt for the most suitable evidence to inform and implement into their practice. (Gerrish 2006) suggest that evidence based practice consists of research, patient experience and clinical expertise.

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