Discussion Contraceptive Implants

Discussion Contraceptive Implants

Levels and trends in contraceptive use in Kenya underscore the need to examine the dynamics of contraceptive use in the country. The contraceptive prevalence rate has been on the increase from 7% in 1978 to 58% in 2014.NRS 693 Week 3 Discussion Contraceptive Implants Similarly, implant contraceptive prevalence rate has increased from 0% in 1993 to 9.9% in 2014. As the CPR increases, current and potential users of family planning are increasingly drawn from women with a past history of contraceptive use. This implies that a further increase in the CPR is more dependent on promotion of continuation rates and re-adoption of contraception among past users than it will be on promotion of new acceptance rates. As such, this study aimed at determining factors leading to the discontinuation of the 5-year two rod implant contraceptive among st women of the reproductive age in Nairobi County in order to understand its effectiveness in enabling clients fulfill their reproductive goals.

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