Describe your current knowledge of the facility you have chosen and the reasoning behind your choice

Describe your current knowledge of the facility you have chosen and the reasoning behind your choice

Week 1 discussion4

Week 1 discussion At this point, you have selected a facility and preceptor for this practicum. Describe your current knowledge of the facility you have chosen and the reasoning behind your choice. What did you learn about the types of informatics activities/projects the facility has going on right now? What are some broad learning objectives that you have identified during your first week with your preceptor that you should think about for your learning contract next week? What else do you need to know about your site? Week 2 discussion This week, your learning contract is due. List some tasks and more focused learning objectives that you and your preceptor have agreed upon and explain why you are going to include them. Describe some of the activities/projects you have identified that you will be able to work on and explain in which stage of the systems development life cycle model each activity/project is in. Week 3 discussion Prepare a list of ten pertinent questions that you plan to ask your preceptor throughout your practicum experience to gain more knowledge about the specific role of an informaticist. Share your questions along with a rationale about why you feel these particular questions are important. Week 4 discussion What electronic health record (EHR) system does your facility use? How long has it been in place? How was it chosen as the preferred system? What type of struggles occurred during implementation? Now that it is functional, what does the staff view as both pluses and minuses to this particular system? Week 5 discussion Does your facility have a patient portal system? Ask about how staff and patients were introduced to the portal. Review the educational materials they have for staff and patients. Is it sufficient? If not, what would you add? Ask about usage data. Is it tracked and analyzed? Discuss your findings with your peers. If your facility does not have a patient portal system, apply these same questions to another tool it is using. Week 6 discussion Does your facility participate in TeleHealth with its patients? If so, what type of system does it use? How does the staff feel about it? If it does not have a TeleHealth system, do you think this particular facility would benefit from offering TeleHealth? Why or why not? Week 7 discussion Do some online research on your facility, including social media components. Describe what you see. Are there more opportunities available for health promotion? Think in terms of your future employer. What would you suggest putting in place for an online presence that encourages health promotion? Week 8 discussion Reflect on your first session of the health informatics practicum. What have you learned thus far in the field? What have you not had the opportunity to apply yet from your previously learned coursework that you may still want experience with during the next session? Give specific examples.

Week 1 discussion4

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