Describe the different mechanisms of diarrhea (osmotic, secretory and motility)

Describe the different mechanisms of diarrhea (osmotic, secretory and motility)

You are an RN working in an Urgent Care. Below is just a brief history  of a client with information limited on purpose to encourage you to  utilize your critical thinking skills.

Subjective information: Miranda is a 26-year-old female who  presents to the office with the complaint of diarrhea for 6 days. She  states she has lost 8 pounds in one week. She is not currently taking  any medications. She has tried over-the-counter remedies for the  treatment of her diarrhea with minimal improvement. She is generally  healthy with only a sinus and bladder infection on occasion.

Objective information: She does not have a temperature, BP  is 102/60, Pulse is 98, and her bowel sounds are present in all   quadrants and are hyperactive. Her abdomen is soft and mildly tender.


In a 2-3 page paper, answer the following questions. Include, at  minimum, two peer reviewed sources (in-text citation), and provide a  Reference page (not included in the page count) using APA Editorial  format.

  1. What is the pathogenesis of diarrhea?
  2. Describe the different mechanisms of diarrhea (osmotic, secretory and motility).
  3. With the limited information provided, what  additional  information would you like to obtain from her history and physical  to  help direct your care plan? Describe why obtaining this information  would be helpful in leading you to a nursing diagnosis.
  4. What infectious or inflammatory conditions could she be suffering from?
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