Describe how advances in technology are improving the process of test development

Describe how advances in technology are improving the process of test development

Methods for Fairness in Testing Essay Assignment Paper

Misconceptions regarding test bias and test fairness, two terms that are often incorrectly considered synonymous. Methods for Fairness in Testing Essay Assignment Paper. While questions regarding test bias have been addressed through technical means, issues with test fairness are tied to values. The text attempts to define test fairness in a psychometric context and provides eight techniques for preventing or remedying adverse impact on one or another group (see page 209). Methods for Fairness in Testing Essay Assignment Paper. One of these techniques included differential cutoffs. Furthermore, you were introduced to a variety of methods for setting cut scores. These methods have been based on either CTT or IRT.


For this discussion, synthesize the information you learned about these two theories and respective methods. In your post:

Determine which one is preferential for responding to questions about a test’s fairness.
Identify at least two advantages and two disadvantages in using each theory, citing appropriate AERA standards from your readings. Methods for Fairness in Testing Essay Assignment Paper
Defend your preference in terms of the methods used within each theory and how they apply to concepts of fairness across groups. Essentially, how does it best address test fairness?
Describe how advances in technology are improving the process of test development and inclusion of appropriate items.
Methods for Fairness in Testing Essay Assignment Paper

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