Assessing Musculoskeletal Pain

Assessing Musculoskeletal Pain

History of Present Illness (HPI): MJ is a 42-year-old Caucasian male that presents to the office today experiencing lower back pain. He was in his usual state of health up until a month ago, when he began experiencing pain in his left lower back. The pain started at night and was not associated with any inciting activity, so he assumed it was his arthritis acting up. The pain was initially mild and crampy, but got progressively worse until this morning, when he experienced a sudden pain shooting down his left leg while getting out of bed. He denies any injuries or loss of consciousness. He describes the pain as a 4/10 at rest, and a 10/10 when he stands. It radiates down his left leg and has done this occasionally but not as bad as this am. He claims that Percocet and lying down helps relieve the pain, and that sitting, standing or acutely coughing worsens the pain. He denies a history of unsteady gait. He denies experiencing any falls. He does experience a burning sensation to his left buttock and down left leg with numbness and tingling in left foot since this am. He denies any fever, nausea or vomiting, or decreased appetite. Denies headaches, weakness, or paralysis in legs. Denies having urinary or bowel incontinence or pain and difficulty urinating. He denies experiencing any trauma acutely before the initial onset. He denies history of any health problems except arthritis. Denies family history of scoliosis.NURS 6512 week 8 Essay Discussion

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