Anorexia Nervosa Management

Anorexia Nervosa Management


A person may occasionally be concerned about how much they eat and whether or not the food will result in excessive weight gain. On the other hand, extreme concern about weight gain can lead to dangerous eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa. Anorexics have a low body weight compared to their body shape and height. The condition is classified into two types: restrictive and binge anorexia. A patient suffering from restrictive anorexia follows a strict diet that consumes fewer calories than is required to maintain a healthy body. On the other hand, a person suffering from binge anorexia consumes more food than is necessary and then purges by vomiting, using laxatives, or engaging in extreme exercise.

Anorexia nervosa is becoming more common among young adults in the United States, and it is critical to identify those affected before it is too late. Significant weight loss, obsession with food calories and weight, wearing warm clothes even when it is hot, an extreme exercise routine regardless of the weather, and a fear of gaining weight are all signs and symptoms of the condition. If friends and family notice such symptoms in anyone related to them, they should notify health care providers. As a result, the study focuses on the most effective methods of treating anorexia nervosa in the United States.


This study aims to determine the most effective methods of identifying and treating anorexia nervosa cases. More than nine million Americans suffer from eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa, which is steadily rising (Wildes & Marcus, 2011). Similarly, anorexia nervosa affects two out of every four hundred Americans. Similarly, 40% of young female adults claim to have binged and then vomited to avoid weight gain. According to a recent study, only about eighteen per cent of female teenagers are overweight, compared to sixty per cent who believe the same (Parling, Mortazavi, &Ghaderi, 2010). Similarly, anorexia nervosa accounts for approximately 80 per cent of all deaths among young adults, which is four times the projected number for that age group (Chan et al., 2010). As a result, taking the necessary precautions to control and prevent the spread of that condition is critical.

Establishing the most effective methods of detecting and controlling anorexia nervosa will significantly reduce the number of cases in America. The disease primarily affects young female adults concerned about their weight and physical appearance (Jenkins & Ogden, 2012). Furthermore, the number of deaths among young people is rising due to the adverse effects of eating disorders. Families, on the other hand, are concerned because the affected patients often isolate themselves (Rask-Andersen et al., 2010). As a result, the paper seeks to identify and manage the disorder’s most effective methods before it is too late.

Review of Literature

Chan et al. (2010) investigate the difficulties patients suffering from bulimia and anorexia nervosa face when making decisions. Regarding dietary options, the patients appear to make poor choices. Furthermore, the study claims that patients suffering from bulimia and anorexia nervosa frequently forget to eat. As a result of their impaired memory, some of these patients starve to death unknowingly.

Jenkins and Ogden (2012) conducted interviews with women who had previously struggled with anorexia nervosa. The majority of women suffered from depression, which led to eating disorders. The women claimed that it was difficult for them to eat because they were trying to lose weight. Similarly, the majority of the women were obsessed with dieting and exercise. According to the findings, self-awareness is critical for a patient’s recovery. The study is important because it reveals the characteristics concerned individuals should look for in potential anorexia patients.

Parling, Mortazavi, and Ghaderi (2010) investigate the level of self-awareness in anorexia nervosa patients. According to the findings, anxiety and depression are patients’ leading causes of alexithymia. Similarly, these patients are indigent at self-reporting due to high perfectionism. The study concludes that patients suffering from anorexia nervosa have difficulty expressing their emotions. Similarly, Parling et al. (2010) contend that the most effective methods for detecting personality disorders are those unrelated to moods.

Anorexia nervosa and genetic disorders are connected by Rask-Andersen et al. (2010). The study compares the behaviour of anorexia nervosa patients to that of some genetic conditions. According to the findings, treating genetic disorders will reduce the number of anorexic patients in the United States.

According to Wildes and Marcus (2011), psychotherapy is an effective treatment for anorexia nervosa. Patients are encouraged to accept reality and act accordingly as a result of the therapy. According to the research, the treatment allows patients to maintain a regular diet and gain significant weight. Patients who completed the therapy also reported less depression and anxiety. The study is critical because it provides one method of treating the disorder.
Anorexia Nervosa Management

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