Advocacy Campaign for Teen Pregnancy

Advocacy Campaign for Teen Pregnancy

I live in a small community in a town called Bennettsville in South Carolina, only about 15 miles from the North Carolina border. The recorded population in 2016 was 9,096 according to the 2016 census. (United States Census Bereau, 2016)   South Carolina has the 16th highest teen birth rate in the nation. Since 1991 the teen birth rate has decreased by 61%, but our county still holds the number one spot.  There has been much improvement since the early 90’s, but there is still room for so much more.NURS 3101 week 7 Assignment Essay

“The range of personal, social, economic, and environmental factors that influence health status are known as determinants of health” (ODPHP, 2017).  There are five population health determinants (access to health care, individual behavior, social environment, physical environment, and genetics.  All of these factors play a huge role in my community.  Due to the low socioeconomic status of many in my community, I was not surprised that teen pregnancy topped the list of health issues. Unprotected sex is a huge issue in our area due to lack of education regarding contraception and lack of financial means for teenagers. Many are simply not able to receive adequate healthcare due to lack of transportation.  Social determinants include a low socioeconomic area with high unemployment rates, poverty, and an area where a large number of parents were also teenage parents.  History has a tendency to repeat itself so genetics may also be a factor and what you are exposed to in your physical environment.   NURS 3101 week 7 Assignment Essay

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